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Long-Term Sub-regional Adaptation Plan

The Subregional Adaptation Plan is a long term plan that details preliminary strategies and pathways for shoreline communities to take as the climate and shorelines change over time, as required by state law.


The purpose of the Sub-regional Adaptation Plan is to:

  • Protect shoreline communities of Oakland and Alameda from expected sea level and groundwater rise and liquefaction;

  • Enhance transportation and recreation corridors and bay access;

  • Reduce flood exposure;

  • Create or restore marsh, upland and transitional habitat with nature-based solutions;

  • Improve air quality;

  • Reduce climate risks to shoreline communities throughout the Oakland-Alameda operational landscape unit (OLU); 

  • Detail key steps and actions to take as the shoreline changes, identifying trigger points and costs for each of the outlined pathways; and

  • Use a decision-making process to ensure the voices of all stakeholders in the Oakland-Alameda Adaptation Committee are heard. 

The Long-Term Sub-regional Adaptation Plan is a collaborative initiative aimed at addressing sea level rise and related environmental challenges in the San Leandro Bay and Oakland-Alameda Estuary region. This project, organized by the San Leandro Bay/Oakland-Alameda Estuary Adaptation Working Group, involves shoreline communities, agencies, and community-based organizations (CBOs), with support from a Scientific Advisor. The Working Group focuses on protecting and restoring water and air quality, enhancing habitat, and strengthening community resilience across the operational landscape unit (OLU) defined by the San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas, which extends from the Bay Bridge to Oyster Bay.


The region faces significant risks from coastal inundation, rising groundwater, liquefaction, and contamination due to sea level rise. The Long-Term Adaptation Plan aims to protect shoreline communities, enhance transportation and recreation corridors, improve bay access, and create or restore natural habitats using nature-based solutions. It will also work to improve air quality and reduce climate risks through a decision-making process that ensures all stakeholders' voices are heard.


Between 2021 and 2023, the City of Alameda worked with local communities and organizations to establish the Working Group and began developing the Long-Term Adaptation Plan. The plan’s sub-regional goals include protecting the Oakland-Alameda region from the impacts of sea level rise, flooding, and liquefaction; implementing multi-benefit adaptation strategies; avoiding negative impacts on neighboring regions; and using an adaptation pathways approach to address different sea level rise thresholds over time. Additional goals include enhancing transportation and recreation corridors, preserving open space, and improving habitats with nature-based solutions.

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