Oakland Alameda

The Oakland Alameda Adaptation Committee (OAAC) is a coalition of shoreline communities and stakeholders working to co-create a coordinated and inclusive future-looking action plan and sub-regional organizational structure to accelerate sea level rise adaptation, protect and restore water quality, recreation and habitat, and promote community resilience.
We need your input! The Oakland-Alameda shoreline faces unique challenges and opportunities as sea level rise impacts our shoreline, community, and infrastructure. Your perspective is essential to shaping strategies that protect and enhance our city.​ Please attend future events to stay informed and provide your feedback!
About Us
Who We Are
The Oakland Alameda Adaptation Committee (OAAC) is a coalition of shoreline communities and stakeholders working to co-create a coordinated and inclusive future-looking action plan and sub-regional organizational structure to accelerate sea level rise adaptation, protect and restore water quality, recreation and habitat, and promote community resilience.
The Committee is organized around the SFEI San Leandro OLU, which stretches from the Bay Bridge touchdown in the north to Oyster Bay in the south, and includes jurisdictions, agencies and community based organizations that have an interest in the Oakland-Alameda shoreline, as well as regional, state and federal collaborators.
Our shoreline is vulnerable to coastal inundation and rising groundwater and contamination as a result of rising sea levels and liquefaction in earthquakes. These climate induced hazards will put critical infrastructure at risk, damage habitat, and further burden already vulnerable communities. Our goal is to create an inclusive, transformative, and equitable climate-ready community along the Oakland-Alameda shoreline.
The Project Partners are the core team overseeing development of the adaptation projects, and are listed below.
Project Partners
Steering Committee:
City of Alameda
City of Oakland
CASA (also Community Partner)
Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation/Sogorea Té Land Trust (also Community Partner)
East Bay Regional Park District
Greenbelt Alliance (also Community Partner)
Hood Planning Group (also Community Partner)
Port of Oakland
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
Community Partners:
Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation/Sogorea Té Land Trust
REAP Climate Center with CCAC Fellows
Scientific Advisor: San Francisco Estuary Institute
Consultant Team:
Project Areas
OAAC is currently collaborating on three funded adaptation projects that address sea level rise vulnerabilities in the cities of Alameda and Oakland and at the Port of Oakland. These projects seek to address areas of near-term vulnerability while also building a long-term framework for future collective action and planning. The below projects, referred to as the OAAC ADAPT Projects, are funded through 2025.
Project Timeline

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